4 min read
27 Oct

You're probably aware of your favourite smells. After all, the smell is one of your most powerful and evocative senses. Think of the comforting smell of freshly baked bread, the allure of coffee or bacon. But scents are not just pleasant; they can be therapeutic.

Aromatherapy, the therapeutic use of scents, has been used for thousands of years. Physicians in Persia, China, India and Egypt, extracted and blended aromatic plant extracts perfumes, balms and oils for medical and religious purposes. Today, around the world, people use aromatherapy as a gentle but effective way of reducing stress and anxiety, treating headaches, improving sleep and soothing aches and pains.

Aromatherapy uses the distilled essence of plants, like essential oils. You've probably seen them in your supermarket or health food store, or online. The most popular methods of using essential oils are in:

  • Diffusers
  • Bath oils or salts
  • Creams or lotions
  • Steamers

Take notice that essential oils should never be used directly on the skin, but always diluted in a carrier oil or cream.

Essential oils can be used by themselves or in combination to quickly lift your mood or change the atmosphere in your home. Here are some of the most popular essential oils:

1. Lavender Oil: Lavender is calming, balancing and sedative. It promotes a sense of relaxation and wellbeing. It is suitable for stress relief and to combat the symptoms of flu, colds and migraine.

2. Chamomile Oil: Chamomile is both soothing and calming and will lift your mood. A great addition to a warm bath to help you relax and promote sleep.

3. Orange Oil, Bergamot Oil, Grapefruit Oil and Lemon Oil: All the citrus oils are perfect for lifting your mood. Especially recommended is Bergamot oil for general malaise and low mood. Orange oil promotes positivity and lemon oil boost energy. Grapefruit oil makes you more alert and stimulates the brain.

4. Rosemary Oil: Rosemary oil is excellent for clearing a foggy mind and also acts as an anti-depressant.

5. Rose Oil: Rose oil is especially recommended to help with depression, stress and anxiety.

6. Marjoram Oil:  Marjoram oil aids in stress relief, anxiety and combats fatigue and depression and calms hyperactivity.

7. Ylang Ylang Oil: Ylang Ylang oil is known for its sedative effects; it alleviate stress and tension.

Here are some suggested blends to try in the diffuser to instantly lift up your mood:

  • Relax: 3 drops lavender oil + 3 drops bergamot oil
  • Release anxiety: 4 drops lavender oil + 2 drops lemon oil + 2 drops ylang ylang oil
  • Calming: 4 drops lavender oil + 3 drops chamomile oil


The following are affiliate links to the shop where you can buy these essential oils:

Lavender Oil:

Chamomile Oil:

Orange Oil:

Bergamot Oil:

Grapefruit Oil:

Lemon Oil:

Rosemary Oil:

Marjoram Oil:

Rose Oil:

Ylang Ylang Oil:

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